Cast Bronze, Gold Leaf, Granite Base
W x L x H
7 x 16 x 13 inches
Six Editions
Laura Teste

ECLIPSE was created in honor of the two total eclipses that I saw on a river bank in Missouri 2017 and off a dirt road Ohio 2024. The figure represents the brief union of the moon & sun with a cape of gold leafed stars. The curved pattern on the hat is based off the celestial path of totality for the two eclipses.  There is even a hidden roman numeral MMXXIV and MMXVII in the hat band. 

Midwest Monday

She’s known all the galaxy,
Its immensity and the amazement,
Bounced ‘round from our planets down to cracked pavement.
But today by a cornfield,
A corner of rurality
is her path of totality.

Some folks say overrated,
What fuss created for a Monday.
Short show that revolves and dissolves into day.
But I remain astonished
Facing life and mortality
In her spectacular duality.

Local shuttered ice cream stand
Next to vacant land of summer softball stars,
She casts on this canvas her shadow bands & bars.
Tinting a tilted stop sign,
Sublime hues on banality,
She paints grace and regality.

Twilight in the afternoon
With the sun and moon, a two-tone harmony,
She sings the celestial song just once artfully.
But the fantastical fades
eclipsed by triviality
Off the path of totality.